Greenfrog Computing Standard Terms and Conditions
Unless otherwise stated – our time is based upon the current best assessment for the work involved and is not of the essence. It is based upon installation taking place during the normal working day with the existing system being out of service for this period. Please note that working on live systems could add up to 100% to the time and cost involved.
Greenfrog Computing maintain a Helpdesk which clients contact with details of any problems they are encountering. Greenfrog will attempt to resolve such problems through remote access and on line telephone assistance. Where this is not possible Greenfrog will arrange an on site callout. Greenfrog will accept instructions from any members of the client’s staff unless otherwise instructed in writing. Clients on Peace of Mind Contracts will receive priority over other contract types.
We need our Client to be certain that they have full information on the existing system, ahead of our work, since delays arising from lack of such information will cause delays which will extend the installation time and increase the cost of the installation work It is a Client responsibility to ensure that all licences/registration references and similar are fully logged and are available for Greenfrog’s use. Where necessary a suitable member of the Client’s Management to be available without delay to authorise third party suppliers to provide whatever information is needed to Greenfrog.
The scope of Greenfrog work is as defined within the detailed specification for an individual contract and we therefore draw to your attention the fact that some specialist software houses supply products which either do NOT include certain element and/or require considerable additional install time. The scope and extent of the items that are part of the Greenfrog tender are therefore defined fully to ensure the Client is receiving all the items requested/defined
The Client may decide that – in addition to their routine/daily back-up, they may wish to create a specific and unique back-up prior to any system changes being undertaken. Unless specifically listed as a Greenfrog operation, then such a task is deemed to be one undertaken by the Client prior to Greenfrog’s attendance on site. Similarly – dependent upon the systems being installed it may not be possible for the “old data” to be “automatically transferred”. In any event – the time and cost to carry out any transfers falls outside the scope of work tendered for by Greenfrog
The possibility of data corruption on existing systems could well mean that system back-ups for some files have to be done on an individual file by file basis. Greenfrog will be happy to provide their specialist knowledge to assist with such actions where required but such work falls outside the scope of our main offer and would therefore be charged on a time basis as incurred.
On occasions it is possible for a new installation to show-up defects in other systems which have not been included in any current Greenfrog scope of work. Greenfrog provide a full support service to handle and deal with such events but where they are identified as falling outside the scope of Greenfrog’s current work then any time involved to remedy their initial (pre-Greenfrog) installation defect will be a time chargeable item.
It is the responsibility of the Clients ISP, to complete the DNS tag transfer correctly. Greenfrog are willing to support their Client where the ISP fails to complete their work properly but a loss of e-mail connection could exist for several days and the time costs for Greenfrog’s involvement will be a charge outside the main contract. As noted already a Client representative is essential at this stage to ensure that the ISP can speak directly to the account holders, such that the password can be obtained
Changing the email program (Outlook on a standalone basis to GroupWise on a centralised basis for example) , may entail total loss of all contacts, address books and email from the old system – client must ensure they have copies of anything important!
It is a fact that older systems are more prone to system crashes. It is also true that “manufacturers issue patches to overcome program crashes” and Greenfrog offer this as a service. It is important to ensure that individual machines and specific systems are identified, and the unique problem defined as this is the only way that a realistic time period can be identified and included within a Greenfrog specification/tender. It may be the case that such problems are best dealt with on a visit-by-visit basis as part of the “post-installation” maintenance contract on a chargeable basis.
Greenfrog consider training to be an essential part of the understanding process for a new system. Greenfrog will therefore always include a basic level of training for at least one user (after the system administrator). Greenfrog believe however that further structured training is a fundamental and inherent part of the plan to ensure that all personnel are fully informed on the systems that are to use. We would therefore urge our clients to encompass adequate training as part of their overall planning.
Greenfrog recognise that their client’s business remains operational, whist Greenfrog is installing new systems/software. At certain times however, Greenfrog will require instructions on operational procedures (how often to set password changes etc) and it is therefore essential that personnel are able to provide this without causing delays to the programme.
The networking of equipment (for example Printers, Plotters and similar) will be a defined and specific item in Greenfrog’s tender. Please ensure that the network links fully comply with your requirements. There can be occasions where existing equipment is using obsolete links, or the equipment is significantly out of date when compared to modern standards and this has the potential to impede the effectiveness of the equipment. The updating of such “existing equipment” is of course an item that falls outside the current Greenfrog tender.
Greenfrog provide a maintenance service, designed to provide you with a Virtual IT Manager. You will appreciate that this is outside our lump-sum supply and install price for the specific items that form this tender. We do however include a period of 2 hours telephone support with all server installations to allow your users the opportunity to resolve through us issues of any sort (for example operational issues such as how to create new users, how to access Bordermanager, or similar) Should you wish to increase this time period we will be happy to review it as directed
Particularly with older systems, there is the possibility that the installation of updated technology may cause problems with such old systems. Unless such systems are fully identified and costs to remedy problems of this kind are listed, then time and costs arising are outside the tender as put forward by Greenfrog although we will of course support you fully and offer our services in order to achieve whatever is an appropriate fix.
Backup programs/Original Installation CD’s: usually require the original serial number before they can be used in upgrade mode. Unless defined within our tender – Greenfrog have based their offer upon such serial numbers being available (as the alternative is that a “full version” of each program must be used) . Please note that the cost of such a “full version” is often twice the cost of the upgrade and that price difference would have to be charged as a supplement to Contract if serial numbers are not provided.
It is our clients responsibility to ensure that all passwords are known and are available to Greenfrog. The inability to access certain programs can on occasion create a significant time delay both to the time to complete the work and in consequence – the cost. VAT All charges are subject to VAT which is charged over and above the quoted rates at the value prevailing at the time of service
Our terms are specific and are listed as part of our individual tender, but they will include an element of payment with order followed by stage payments both by value and by due date. Interest at 5% over the Interbank rate applies to all overdue monies Telephone support is charged at the end of each month, with a payment date 30 days following invoice date, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Maintenance Contracts are invoiced in advance, with payment being received before support begins. Where the number of PC’s/Servers varies during the contracts term then the charges are adjusted with effect from the beginning of the month following the month in which new items are added/deducted from the scope covered by the contract.
We do not warrant the suitability of goods for a particular purpose, and you should check specifications and suitability with manufacturers before ordering.
Goods are not sold on a trial basis.
Goods are offered subject to being unsold.
In the event of non-availability of goods, we reserve the right to rescind the contract.
All goods remain the property of Greenfrog Computing until paid for in full.
Prices and manufacturers specifications subject to change without notice.
Minor specification variations do not entitle the purchaser to rescind the contract.
Prices may change because of currency fluctuations.
Claims for damage, non-functionality and non/mis-shipping must be made within seven days of receipt. After this date, and in all circumstances after 28 days, repair and not replacement will be offered. No cash equivalent for faulty or non/ mis-shipped goods.
A restocking fee of up to 25% is charged on returns which prove to be non-defective.
You must use any manufacturer or on-site arrangements provided.
All returns must be in stock condition and be authorised by the supplier prior to return. No opened software will be accepted for credit. Faulty discs swapped by manufacturer. You are responsible for ensuring safe delivery and carriage cost of the returned item.
To the fullest extent permissible by law in no circumstances will we be liable in contract tort or otherwise for any costs, claims, damages, losses, interest or liabilities or expenses in respect of: any direct loss of profit; any direct loss of anticipated savings; any indirect loss or damage howsoever caused including without limitation; any loss of profit; loss of use of money; loss of anticipated savings; loss of business; loss of opportunity; loss of reputation; loss of data; any wasted expenditure; and/or any other consequential loss including pure economic loss
If part of these terms is found to be unlawful, it shall not affect the validity of the remainder.
Computer systems and their inter-functionality are complex things. They need expert and experienced attention on a regular basis. They tend to baffle the non-expert – which is of course why large organisations have their own IT Manager and why Greenfrog are able to be successful in providing their Clients with a Virtual IT Management service. We are anxious to develop a relationship which is founded upon mutual trust and goodwill, particularly as we will also be working with data which can on occasions be confidential. Wherever Greenfrog carry out changes/modifications/new installations – we will always endeavour to test the effective functionality of each and every aspect of the installed or inter-related programs before we finally hand-over a completed project: to assist us in this, as part of the final testing and handover routine – we will require our Client to ensure that at least one member of their staff – for each of the different systems – runs their program through it’s normal range of operations to ensure total functionality. Greenfrog will of course ensure at this time that any identified problems are resolved. In return – we ask you to note that, thereafter any problems which arise will need to be resolved as part of the Greenfrog Maintenance Virtual IT Manager service.
For organisations who are heavily invested in I.T. facilities and for the larger organisation, Greenfrog’s pre-defined attendance and IT support ensures that our Client has a fixed budget and known times where Greenfrog will be in attendance to install any new peripherals, check all functionality and provide support, generally in the same way that a salaried IT Manager would do – but in a more cost effective manner, acting as your virtual IT Manager. Contracts are offered on a totally flexible basis (for example: 1 day per year; 1 day per month; 1 day per week). In addition Greenfrog offer telephone support on a time cost basis and can also advise/set-up dial-in capability to enhance the quality of support. Each quotation will include a suggested level of support selected from either this Virtual IT manager section or from the service agreement section described below. The suggested times and frequency may, of course, need to be varied to deal with specific events and all additional attendance is chargeable at the same rate as the regular visits.
Greenfrog offer a data security package as an addition to the IT Support Contract. For customers without this addition we will offer our services on a time and materials basis.
You agree that, unless otherwise agreed in writing, Greenfrog are not acting in the capacity of Data Protection Officer, Data Controller or Data Processor. Compliance with GDPR is a client responsibility.
By acceptance of Greenfrog’s services and / or by their signature on their contract, the client confirms their agreement and approval that Greenfrog will create data records that relate to their business and related matters including but not limited to : Contact Names, telephone numbers, email addresses, business account details. Greenfrog also confirm (and the client approves) the recording of vehicle and personnel movements through CCTV at their headquarters and other sites. All records will be securely stored behind firewalls and it is the client’s entitlement to request (in writing in any time) that such records be securely deleted from the Greenfrog systems.
All IT Support contracts are reviewed annually on the 1st April annually using the February RPI increase (contracts are on a 6 month rolling notice period). All prices for hardware are based upon our Supplier quotations and are, therefore subject to verification at the time of actual ordering.
HARDWARE SUPPORT (Software on PC’s or Server)
The element of each Maintenance Contract which provides Peace of Mind cover for hardware is provided for PC’s or servers that are less than 3 years old. For PC’s this applies to the base-unit, corded keyboard and mouse. The service includes the disconnection and removal from site, full repair or replacement of the PC or server and its return and re-connection to the system. Unlike the warranties supplied by manufacturers however the Greenfrog Peace of Mind cover also includes the re-installation of all programs and software that existed on the individual pieces. The protection offered therefore is the peace of mind of knowing that the hardware is returned in a fully operational state. This is of course subject to all necessary programs and licences being provided by our Client and all data being available from a reliable back-up source. The cover does not include costs of any specialist software house and does not include loan equipment for the period that the equipment is out of service.
Not covered under the standard PC cover are the following: Screens; lap-top machines; cordless keyboards; cordless mice; any other connected peripheral device.
Greenfrog Computing reserves the right to add, delete, and modify any provision of its T&C’s at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to keep yourself up-to-date with these T&C’s. You agree that we may: (1) revise these T&C’s; and (2) change the Services we provide to you. You agree to be bound by any such revision or change which shall be effective immediately upon posting on our website ( and/or upon notification to you by e-mail
These Terms and Conditions are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English Law and the parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
Any dispute between the parties that cannot be settled by mutual agreement shall be referred for final settlement to the arbitration of a person agreed between the parties or failing such agreement appointed upon the application of either party by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
A Contract form should be signed and this contract document is issued electronically for signature. In any event, the contract represents GFC “offer” to supply I.T. Services and the Client “acceptance” is confirmed by the Client “making payment” for these services. A Standing Order should be created to pay for the SUPPORT arrangements. The Monthly Standing Order is paid on the 28th day of the month. It covers support during the following month.
These Terms and Conditions may not be superseded or amended in any way without the prior written consent of Greenfrog Computing.
No failure or omission by Greenfrog Computing to carry out or observe any of the stipulations or conditions of these T&C’s shall give rise to a claim against Greenfrog Computing if such failure or omission arises from any cause reasonably beyond the control of Greenfrog Computing. In the event that Greenfrog Computing is unable to fulfil its obligations in the above circumstances it shall give notice to you of that fact and its obligations shall be suspended until after the removal of that cause.
Any notice, Invoice, or other correspondence to be given under these T&C’s shall be in writing (to include electronic format) and the same shall be deemed duly served: (i) if sent by first class post, two business days after the date of posting if posted in the country of destination and otherwise after seven days; and (ii) if sent by electronic mail, after 24 hours from the day and time of sending.